The use of posters for college has been widespread for a while. It’s hard to count when a poster was used at an educational establishment for the first time, but it was definitely long ago. College posters can be used for the educational purposes, for motivation, encouragement, propaganda, decoration or just to raise the mood of the students. They can be done in various designs and styles and be dedicated to different themes from physics formulae to students’ jokes. So, let’s see what posters are used at colleges. In addition, we would like to provide you with some dorm poster ideas for girls and guys.
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Educational Posters
The posters are very often used in education. It’s possible to buy or create the one for almost every discipline and subject. The posters for physics or chemistry may feature certain formulae, laws; the ones for geography are usually various kinds of maps; the pictures for the history classes may contain photos of certain personalities, maps of the battles or important historical dates; the languages teachers use visual materials for grammar and vocabulary lessons as well as the ones, dedicated to culture and literature.
Student Council Posters
The most widespread aim of the student council posters is to encourage students to vote for certain candidates. Such posters usually feature a name of the candidate, his or her photo and some additional information. However, it can contain only one word “Vote” in order to make students take active part in the college life. Student councils may also create some motivational posters, trying to improve the level of knowledge at college as well as promote students’ success. In addition, they can place informational posters, which will help the students to decide what profession to choose and in what direction to develop.
Student Life Posters
The images, showing student life are primarily used for decorative purposes. The most frequent photos used for them are the ones of a group of students, which do something, for example, write a test, take part in a discussion, read in a library, work at their projects etc. Such posters may also raise the issues, connected with problems the students face with, or contain the pieces of advice of how to act in certain situations.

A Student Life Poster
Graduation Posters
The posters for graduation parties often feature graduation hats or the students, throwing them in the air. However, they can also consist of congratulations and wishes to the graduates as well as inspirational quotes. Graduation posters may also be more personal and contain the photos of the graduates, taken during their studies.
Motivational College Posters
Motivational posters aim to inspire students to study better, participate in social life and take care of personal development. They usually consist of an image and an inspirational phrase or quote by a well-known personality. It’s not obligatory that a motivational picture has to do with studies only. It can be dedicated to a number of things, but the most important is that it inspires a student to take care of his or her present and future and helps to become a successful person.
College Sports Posters
At college, not only studies but also sport plays an important role in students’ life. Nowadays, it’s very popular to hold a healthy way of life and college authorities try to influence students and convince them to do sports. Sometimes, motivational posters are used for this goal. But, the use of the posters dedicated to certain kinds of sports is more widespread. Thus, there are much more college basketball posters or college wrestling posters than just “Do Sports” or “Hold a Healthy Way of Life” ones.

A Basketball Poster
Funny College Posters
College isn’t only the place for serious posters. As there are so many young people there, some humorous images and jokes may be used for the wall décor. It can be just a funny image, which will raise the mood of those who look at it, for example a photo of a funny dog; it can be something sarcastic, but it’s necessary that the poster doesn’t offend anyone (for example, it can be a comparison of a student’s condition before and after exams); it can be a joke about student’s life etc. In fact, a funny poster may cover a great number of themes. However, it’s important that such a funny poster doesn’t offend anyone or make people feel uncomfortable.
College Dorm Posters
Posters for dormitory rooms are chosen by students themselves and, of course, they don’t have any restrictions of use. The students are free to choose the wall décor they like, the one, which represents their interests or views. Here are several examples of the best college posters for dorms.
Sports Dorm Posters
As many students do sports, it’s essential that a sports poster is one of the variants for a dorm room decoration. College football posters as well as the basketball ones are frequently used as many students prefer team sport. However, every student is free to choose what he or she likes. That’s why, if you, for example, like Latin American dances, place a poster of a dancing couple, which will inspire you. If you are fond of parachuting, the image of a parachute or a parachutist can be used. And if you a fan of fitness and healthy way of life, motivational fitness posters will be an ideal variant for you.
Movie Posters
Cool college posters ideas include movie images as well. It can be a movie or TV series poster, the one featuring your favorite character or a well-known movie quote like the one of Yoda: “May the Force Be with You”. A very popular poster among male students is the one to “Fight Club” movie. The girls are more tend to hang the posters to the popular TV series, for example, “The Vampire Diaries”.

A Fight Club Poster
Celebrities Posters
If you are a fan of a certain celebrity, use his or her photo for your room decoration. It can be a popular model, a singer, an actor or actress and, in fact, everyone, who you are fond of. It’s rather trendy to hang the photos of the celebs, which are dead now, for example, the ones of Marilyn Monroe or Michael Jackson.

A Marilyn Monroe Poster
Video Games Posters
Video games fans often decorate their rooms with the images of their favorite games, even at colleges. Not only promotional game posters can be used but also the images of the game characters or, even, the game screenshots.

Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness Poster
Meme Posters
Memes are extremely popular nowadays and it’s not strange that they are already used for the wall décor. A poster with a meme is a good variant for young and active people and the majority of students fit this criteria. The themes may vary. For example, you may use a witty phrase, which characterizes your life.
Funny Animals Posters
It’s hardly possible to find a person, who doesn’t like the images of funny animals. The posters with funny dogs, cats or any other animal will definitely raise the mood of everyone, who looks at them. The images of animals are suitable for college posters for guys as well as girls.
Science Posters
If you like science and can’t imagine your life without it, why not decorate the room with science posters. They can be dedicated to any theme you are interested in, from chemical formulae to the map of the solar system. It’s possible to use the photos or images of famous scientists, for example, the popular photo of Einstein. By the way, there are many humorous images of scientists and philosophers. The image of a Bee Einstein is one of the examples.
Art Posters
Art is always in trend. The students decorated the rooms of dormitories with art posters long ago and this tendency is still very popular. The choice of possible art prints is incredible. You may choose the style, the color scheme and the theme to your liking. Abstract art is a very good option for young and creative people, while the portraits and landscapes are chosen by more conservative and calm people.
Custom Photo Posters
A very nice idea is to order a custom poster, made of your photos. You can use the photos of you, your family, friends, pets etc. Such a poster will make your dorm room more home-like and more comfortable. Moreover, some companies also offer to print instagram photos.
You see that there are many kinds of college posters, which can be used for a number of purposes, including education, motivation and just decoration. The college walls, the classrooms as well as dorm rooms can be decorated by posters of different types, which serve for the aesthetical pleasure and simultaneously for more practical goals. While the posters at college are of more general themes and need to suit certain requirements, the use of the ones for dorm rooms isn’t restricted and students are free to choose whatever they want.
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