Charles Dickens said: “Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!”.
Yes, Christmas is a magical time, when everyone, not only children, believes in miracles and opens his or her heart to the world. Presents aren’t so important here, but the atmosphere is. Atmosphere of the holiday influences us and we, in our turn, are free to create the appropriate atmosphere for us and our close people.
Christmas is the best time to turn your home into a magical place. It’s a good occasion to do with your home what you have never dared to do. Nowadays, it’s quite widespread to decorate a house, following a certain theme. The number of all possible themes is uncountable as there are no limits for human imagination. A well-chosen theme will leave a long-lasting impression on everyone, who visits your home.
We’d like to share some charming themes ideas with you and help you to decorate your place for Christmas. Roughly speaking, the Christmas decoration themes can be divided into two types: the ones dedicated to a certain color scheme and the ones devoted to certain objects. We are going to provide you with the examples of both for you to get more inspiration from our post.
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Classic Christmas
This theme is ideal for big families with children or the ones, who cherish traditions. Nothing can bring such Christmas atmosphere as traditional green, white and red decorations. Gold or silver pieces are also considered to be classic.
Those colors weren’t chosen randomly. Each of them has its meaning. Thus, green is the color of evergreen plants, which remind people that winter isn’t everlasting and the spring will certainly come. Red is the color of the apples on the paradise tree as well as Holly berries, which stay for the blood of Jesus. White symbolizes not only snow but also purity and peace. Gold is the color of the light. It was also one of the presents brought to the baby Jesus by one of the wise men.
As the Christmas tree is green, you can decorate all the rest of the house in red and white, only with a few touches of green. Gold or silver details will make your house look more sparkling. And don’t forget about Christmas lights, symbols of Santa, thematic Christmas posters, reindeer and snowmen.

Traditional Christmas Decor
White Christmas
White and silver decor looks very elegant. Though white isn’t a warm color, it still adds some warmness and coziness to the house. White fluffy blankets, carpets and slippers in combination with white Christmas tree, faux snow and good music can create a very romantic atmosphere. Simple white candles will look differently in such a design and bring warmness.
Silver pieces of decor will dilute the all-white design and add sparkle. In order to avoid monochromaticity, it’s better to use textured ornaments or add some other shades of white. Making white Christmas design, you will turn your home into a winter wonderland, full of magic.

White Christmas Decor
Silver and Gold
Silver and gold decoration looks very festive. Glittery, metallic colors will make your house shine and look very luxurious. If you plan a big party for this Christmas, such decorations will be certainly highly estimated by your guests. The combination of glossy and matte pieces of decor looks very stylish.
You are also free to combine different textures. However, if you aren’t ready to turn your house into a sparkling kingdom or have no time to think over all the details, several gold and silver accents will be enough.
For example, decorate the Christmas tree with gold and silver balls and ribbons, and hang a couple of garlands around the room. Believe that even by doing so little, you will make your house ready for celebration.

Silver and Gold Decoration
Black and White
Some people think that black and white combination isn’t appropriate for Christmas. However, it looks so spectacular and stylish that many of us are ready to forget about the traditional Christmas decorations for the sake of black and white gamma.
Nowadays, there will be no problem in buying a black or white Christmas tree. Black trees look very mysterious, and even gothic, and it’s necessary to add more decorations of the opposite color to them. Here, you can also use silver decorations as they look a bit similar to the white ones and can add some chic.
If you choose a white tree, the amount of decorations may be not so abundant. White trees add more spaciousness to the room and look very fairy.

Black and White Christmas Decor
Birds and Feathers
The use of feathers as Christmas decoration started not so long ago, but this method already has its fans. White feathers are most popular for holidays as they resemble snow. However, not only they are used.
For example, peacock feathers will not only make the design unique, but also complement the Christmas tree. There are dozens of ways how to arrange feathers beautifully. You can make compositions of them, add to garlands or place in glass balls for a display.
There are even whole Christmas trees, made of feathers. The decoration with birds is also rather popular. Doves are birds, which are more than others associated with Christmas. White doves symbolize love, faith and peace.

A Christmas Tree with White Doves Decor
Movie Theme
If you and your close people are movies fans, you can decorate your house in the style of a certain movie and organize a party, dedicated to it. For example, you can take “A Christmas Story” or “Home Alone” as they are classic Christmas movies.
However, if you want to celebrate your Christmas in, for example, western movies style, don’t hesitate to do that. The most important is to create the atmosphere of the movie. You can reach this aim by adding some details, which are similar to the ones in movies.
For example, you can use the famous Leg Lamp from “A Christmas Story” or tins of paint, used by Kevin in “Home Alone”. If you have no possibility to do that, you can simply hang some movie posters or use objects, which remind of the theme (plates, cups, napkins etc).

A Christmas Story Party Pack
Knitted Christmas
Knitted Christmas is the warmest of all the possible themes for this holiday. If you are a fan of knitting or just like knitted things, this theme is for you. Knitted decorations will turn your home into a very cozy place, where you will be happy to spend all the holidays.
Besides decorating the Christmas tree and home, you can also adorn some other things, for example, wrap coffee mugs, teapots or lamps. Moreover, knitted design can be done in different colors. In such a way, you can add some knitted details to a ready design. If you don’t knit, you can buy ready items. There are many of them, available at land-based and online stores.

Knitted Items for Christmas
Modern Tropical Fruit Christmas
As it’s popular to use some exotic things for Christmas decorations, why not use colorful fruit for this purpose? Lemons and oranges are the best choice for this goal.
Firstly, they look very brightly and will break the monotony. Yellow and orange colors are warm and optimistic and that’s what we need so much in winter.
Secondly, they can be stored for more time than other fruit and will certainly survive the Christmas holidays.
Thirdly, orange and yellow colors look amazing in combination with winter greenery. Thus, you are free to create various garlands, wreaths or decorate a Christmas tree with them. If you don’t want to use real fruit, use the artificial ones.

A Citrus Christmas Wreath
Chocolate and Candy Christmas
This theme is the tastiest of all. Almost everyone loves chocolate and sweets. By decorating your Christmas tree and home with sweets, you will create a very festive mood for both adults and children. You can either use only chocolate, only colorful candies or both of them. The most important is to turn your home into a real candy paradise.
One more plus from such a type of decor is that you can eat the decorations by the end of the holiday and thus, you won’t have to undress the Christmas tree. If you are afraid what you will eat all your decor before the holiday comes, feel free to use substitutes: artificial products, chocolate and candies ornaments.
You can also decorate your Christmas tree and home with pieces containing the pictures of sweets or the ones of similar form. The easiest way to decorate your home in chocolate theme is to use brown and golden decorations, which look like chocolate and its wrapper. Turn your world into the sweet life and enjoy the sugar year round.

A Christmas Tree Decorated with Sweets
So, we hope that you have got your dose of inspiration from our post. Or maybe you have already invented your own theme for Christmas decor. We wish you a Merry Christmas and may your dreams come true!!!
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