If you are an experienced web user, you must have faced many posters with thick black borders and some witty captions. These are demotivational posters, which are very popular nowadays. They cover almost all possible themes and problems and serve for different purposes. However, before talking about these posters, we first need to find out what motivational posters are and what they are used for.
Motivational posters
Motivational posters are frequently used in schools, offices and other institutions. They usually consist of pictures and some motivational quotes, which inspire and encourage people to achieve more. That’s why they are often referred as inspirational posters. The business leaders hung them on the walls in their offices, hoping that they will provoke their employees to reach better results of work and the educational institutions aim at making their students respectable people, who set goals and manage to reach them. However, nowadays you can face such posters almost everywhere. They can be placed in various public places and, even, in dwellings. Moreover, their aims have been widened and now they serve not only to inspire but also to make people think over their way of life and attitudes.

Dream Big – demotivational poster

Friendship – demotivational poster
However, many people believe that motivators don’t work at all and they are just pieces of paper with nice pictures. We think that it depends on a person. One person can pay no attention to what is written there and ignore the message while the other one can be influenced by it and take the message seriously. So, we can state that motivational posters work, but not for everyone.
How to use motivational posters for office
When you sit at office all day long, it can be difficult to feel inspired to work all the time. The main purpose of using motivational posters at offices is to inspire employees to work more efficiently and foster the development of such qualities as ambition and teamwork. However, while choosing such a poster, take care that it really inspires but not frightens and makes people feel under pressure. Some humor won’t be excess. In addition, it’s also possible to hang posters, which inspire for self-development and not only for hard work.

A Motivational Office Poster
School motivational posters
Schools and colleges aren’t only the institutions, which need to teach English, mathematics, biology and other subjects. They also need to aim to develop skills in communication, teamwork, to make students ambitious and greedy to knowledge. Besides, it’s necessary that schools teach their students to develop their personalities and how to express their points of view. There are many posters, which can be used at schools. They can either relate to a certain subject, for example, the necessity of reading, or the ones that make students think about their future and the way they live. For example, some motivational posters against smoking and drinking can be used at schools in order to prevent the young generation from having bad habits.

A Motivational Poster about Learning
Motivational workout posters for sportsmen
Though sportsmen are usually very strong-willed people, sometimes even they need some motivation. In the majority of cases, they are supported by their close people. However, it may happen that athletes need some more motivation during their trainings and a motivational poster can be used for this purpose. A reminder about the results, which a person wants to reach, or some inspirational quotes can play an important role for a sportsman and his or her future success.

Motivational quote posters for your home
There are many people, who like to get inspired at home. That’s why it gets rather popular to decorate apartments with motivational quotes. Such posters can be placed in almost every room, depending on its design. The most important is that you really like this phrase and won’t get tired of it in a week.

A Motivational Quote Poster
Funny motivational posters
Funny motivators can be used everywhere. You can see them at offices, restaurants, beauty salons, streets or any other possible place. Their purpose isn’t only to inspire for actions but also to entertain and make people feel at ease. Moreover, they are good at raising the spirits. For example, if to place the poster below near a mirror, a person, who will watch at it, will certainly become more joyful.

A Funny Motivator
Demotivational posters
While motivational posters aim at inspiring people for some actions, the demotivational ones need to discourage, demotivate and reduce the self-esteem. In fact, they are parodies to motivators and their texts are usually very pessimistic or sarcastic.
A demotivational poster consists of a picture with thick black borders (however, the borders aren’t obligatory) around and the text, related to the image. As a rule, the caption doesn’t describe the picture directly, but distorts its meaning in a humorous way. However, as people have different sense of humor, depending on their nationality, occupation, upbringing etc, not all of them can understand this humor and find the things described funny.
Though demotivators appeared not so long ago, only a few of us know their origins. It’s not surprising that they derived from motivational pictures and aimed at parodying them. Company Despair, Inc. was the one, which started to produce them along with the motivational ones. Sometimes, they used the same images for both kinds of posters, but changed the text to the more depressing one. The demotivators were later popularized by 4chan meme generating machine, which became a demotivational poster maker, where every person can create his or her own picture.
Unlike the motivational pictures, demotivational posters deal not only with education and business spheres, but cover all the possible spheres of life. This happens because now humor is an integral part of our life and we face some comic situations almost every day and everywhere. The demotivators just show our life in more sarcastic and, at the same time, pessimistic way.
Demotivational posters for office? Why not?
Demotivational posters at office don’t serve to demotivate the staff, but usually aim at entertaining the employees. When people are overloaded with work, they need to have small breaks from time to time. While drinking coffee with the colleagues, they can make fun of demotivators, which hang on the walls in the hall or canteen. Humor is a good way to avoid stresses at work and, thus, a demotivator, turns into a real motivational poster.

An Office Demotivator
Is it appropriate to use school demotivational posters?
School demotivational posters aren’t used at schools. They are commonly made by pupils and students to make fun of their problems at school. Such posters have no other purpose than to laugh at the educational process and teachers. They are usually very sarcastic, pessimistic and even rude. That’s why such demotivators don’t do any good to young minds.

A School Demotivator
Are demotivational fitness posters used in gyms?
Just like school posters, fitness demotivators are very seldom used at gyms as they are often rather rude and can be offensive for someone. Of course, there are funny workout posters, that will raise the mood of the people in the gym, but you should be very careful while choosing them. Don’t forget that the atmosphere in the gym must inspire and not make people feel defective. The better places for the use of sports demotivators are personal blogs or social networks.

A Sports Demotivator
The use of funny demotivational posters
Funny pictures are the most frequently used ones for demotivators. However, you can also find many posters with celebrities, well-known personalities and screenshots from the movies. The most common and neutral photos can be used in such a way that they will look rather funny in combination with the witty and sarcastic texts. The most popular themes for demotivators are funny animals or people, celebs, politicians, movies, the way of life, everyday problems and relationships.
Funny demotivational posters with people or animals usually depict some funny or awkward situations, which happen to them. Very often, the pics are very funny even without any text, which, of course, makes them more humorous.

Firefox demotivational-poster

Girl Scout – demotivational poster
Posters with celebrities or politicians usually aim at making fun of their behavior or appearance and to exaggerate or diminish their merits and demerits.

Eminem – demotivational poster

George Obama – demotivational poster
The screenshots from popular movies and TV series are often used by their fans to depict some memorable moments from them or to make fun of their characters. As the movie industry constantly develops, one can always find the material for a future demotivator.

Zom Nom Zombies – demotivational poster

Four Movies – One Expression – demotivational poster
People create the posters, depicting one’s way of life or problems, to show humorous attitude to what happens. Sometimes, such pictures aren’t funny at all and they more aim at showing the others the absurdity and dullness of the situation and persuade them to do something about it. Such problems as racism, alcoholism, overweight and violence are among the most frequently used ones.

Exercise – demotivational poster

If Africa was The United States – demotivational poster

Drinking – demotivational poster
Relationships between men and women have always been an object of many jokes as well as numerous philosophical quotations. Creators of demotivators can’t omit such a wide-spread theme. That’s why, you will find a lot of interesting demotivational pictures about relationships and family life.

Facebook Staus – demotivational poster

True Love – demotivational poster
The stated above are the most popular types of demotivators, but the list doesn’t end here. In fact, they cover almost every aspect of our life. This happens because demotivators are often made by ordinary people of different ages, religions, political views and sex. In such a way, the list of the possible demotivators types constantly remains open and people always add something new to it.
Today, demotivational posters are among the most exciting trends on the Internet. It’s quite popular now to print them and hung instead of the motivational ones. Of course, they aren’t so inspiring, but still they have their influence. You can find many types of demotivators on our site and order them. You can also create your own demotivational poster and we will be happy to print it for you. On the net, you can find numerous sites, where you can try your hand at creation of demotivators. That’s quite an interesting occupation and you will certainly enjoy the process. To make the process of demotivators making funnier, ask your friends to join you and you will see that it’s a nice way to spend your free time.
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