Mark Twain said: “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing”. It is present in almost all spheres of our life and is an integral part of it. Humor helps us in many life situations, but have you ever thought about using humor for the décor of your office, classroom or home?
Of course, design is a very serious issue, but sometimes you can afford to laugh at yourself. A smile is one of the best natural decorations and sometimes, it’s very useful to have a humorous approach to solve some design issues. One of the easiest ways to add a touch of humor to the interior is a humorous and funny poster. Such a piece of décor is very convenient as it doesn’t cost a lot and you don’t need to change the room design to place it. Moreover, once you get tired of it, it’s very easy to replace it with a new one.
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Funny Office Posters
What do you do when you get tired of the monotonous work? It’s a fact that at such moments you need to read or watch at something positive and humorous so that you are able to forget about all the problems for, at least, a couple of minutes. Funny work posters will be a great decoration for your office and will help you to get rid of boredom and reduce stress.
Funny Motivational Posters
Do you need some extra motivation at your work? If yes, you usually use various motivational posters. The use of humor in such posters is a very good way to make it not only useful but also uplifting. Moreover, such a poster will inspire not only you but your colleagues as well. You may also try using funny demotivational posters with brainy phrases. Yes, the main goal of a demotivator is to discourage and reduce the self-esteem, but the majority of them are very good at raising the mood and making everyone laugh.
Funny Campaign Posters
We don’t mean any political issue by campaign posters, only the ones which have to do with work or daily routine. For example, if your company holds some campaigns, the posters with some touches of humor may be used instead of the ordinary ones. Moreover, if you or your company speaks out against, for example, smoking, you may hold an anti smoking campaign and hang funny posters, dedicated to this theme.
Funny Wanted Posters
Today, wanted posters aren’t only used to find a criminal. Many people like to use such posters just for fun or to play a trick on someone. There are many ways of how they are used at offices. For example, if your colleague has a birthday, you may make such a poster and add his or her photo to it so that everyone in the office knows whose birthday is. A poster in such a design looks much more interesting than an ordinary birthday poster. Moreover, a photo can be changed when someone else has a birthday. You can make funny missing posters as well.

A Wanted Poster
Funny Safety Posters
Safety advice is very important in many fields of activity. Even the office workers need to know about accident prevention and safety tips. Funny safety posters will attract more attention of the employees than ordinary ones. But, still it’s important not to forget about the rules themselves. So, in such a kind of posters the serious safety information may presented in a humorous way or you can dilute the text with funny illustrations. You may also make a special safety poster. For example, if you are a new person in the company, hang a poster “Newbie at Work” near your working place. Your colleagues will definitely estimate your sense of humor.
Funny Birthday Posters
If you don’t like the idea with a wanted poster for a birthday, there are many other funny birthday posters ideas, which can be used at offices. They may contain funny images, jokes, humorous wishes etc.

A Funny Birthday Poster
Varieties of Funny Posters for Educational Establishments
Funny posters aren’t so common at educational establishments as at offices, but still they are used. They usually serve for the education process or just for wall décor. Funny educational posters can be dedicated to a certain subject or to have more general functions.
Funny College Posters
Funny college posters are often created by the students themselves and feature their way of life, problems and some funny things, which only they can understand. Funny student council posters or posters dedicated to exams are also very popular at colleges.
Funny Classroom Posters
The posters, which decorate a classroom, may also be funny. They are usually chosen by teachers and aim at educating the students. For example, it can be funny propaganda posters, dedicated to a healthy way of life or funny running posters, which will inspire students to do sport.
Funny Science Posters
Funny science posters are very efficient if used for the pupils of primary school age as they perceive the information better if it’s presented with pictures. Funny math posters are most frequently used for children’s education. They make the process of learning easy, funny, effective and interactive.
Funny Language Posters
Language teachers often use various posters, including the funny ones. Funny grammar posters aim to show the rules of how to build sentences, use the words and punctuation correctly. They often show some funny examples of the wrong use of certain things for the better memorization of rules. When studying foreign languages, the vocabulary posters with funny pictures may be used for better visualization as well.
Funny Posters for Home Décor
Home is the place, where you are free to use whatever poster you want. You create the design of your dwelling according to only your tastes and may bring to life even the most daring ideas.
Funny Bathroom Posters
The humorous posters for a bathroom décor definitely need to be linked to the room function. Some jokes about toilet or bathing are frequently used. You are free to hang funny bathroom rules for the members of your family and guests or the ones, which will prevent everyone from getting bored while spending time there.

A Funny Bathroom Poster
Funny Living Room Posters
Funny posters for a living room may cover a wide range of themes from the most general to the most personal ones. For example, a funny girl poster will look neutral in the living room interior while a witty quote may present your point of view regarding certain issues.
Funny Bedroom Posters
Bedroom posters shouldn’t be too provocative and bright. They may have a slight humorous effect but they shouldn’t make you constantly laugh and prevent from sleeping. Moreover, they need to look organically in the interior and be well-combined with the other pieces of bedroom wall décor.

A Funny Bedroom Poster
Funny Baby Room Posters
When we talk about baby rooms, we first think about the wall decoration connected with cartoons and funny animals. Yes, in fact, such prints will look very nice and a child will be definitely fond of them. One more way to add some cheerful decor is to use the funny photos of your child (we are sure that you have such). Thus, a room will become more personal and unique.
Funny Kitchen Posters
Funny kitchen wall décor is primarily associated with funny food and cooking posters. There can be some quotes or just images, depicting some funny situations, which often take place at kitchen.
Funny Inspirational Posters
Funny posters with quotes may be used around the whole house. They can be either of general meaning, like just funny and witty jokes, or more associated with the room function, like kitchen posters, which contain witty quotes about food and cooking. The most important is that you really enjoy the phrases, written on such posters.
Funny Animal Posters
Who can bring us much joy except ourselves? Of course, it’s animals and pets. The posters with animals will add a cheerful and resilient look to any room in the house. Choose funny dog posters or funny cat posters, they look especially warm and cozy.

A Funny Dog Poster
So, you see that there are many ways of how to make the design of your working place, educational establishment or home more cheerful and joyful with the help of simple posters. If the poster decoration isn’t enough for you, feel free to make some other humorous décor using various accessories.
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